Mrs. Rogers’ Piqua Junior High class is playing Real World Math together, practicing social skills while learning to budget money just like they would in real life!

The CLC celebrated 100 days of school this year...time sure does fly when we are having fun!

Mr. Hahn's class went shopping and cooked a pasta/salad lunch! Great work everyone!

We want students to know there are really cool places to work in Miami County! This week, the ESC Career Connections team coordinated a business tour for a group of students from Tippecanoe High School. The students learned about robotic welding and manufacturing at Tipp City business, OTC Daihen.
Most of these students have never stepped foot inside a business like this before. Thank you for such an eye-opening experience for our future workforce!

Congratulations to Alyssa and Harry in Mr. Hahn's class for showing great leadership skills and being selected to be classroom mentors! Great work you two!

Mrs Ruzicka’s class is working with the Scott Family McDonald’s in Tipp City filling condiment bags for Door Dash orders.

Students in Mrs. Barchenger's class enjoyed making matter characters and learned the characteristics of a solid!

Mrs. Durbin’s class conducted a snow science experiment today. They discovered that fluffy snow mixed with salt melts the fastest and that packed snow with salt melts the slowest. They enjoyed staying inside and making “indoor” snowballs.

Miss Smith's students enjoyed building a snowman, listening to a snowman story, making a snowman craft, and making snow cones with the PT, OT, and Speech therapist!

Miss Embry's class at Milton Union took inspiration from Mrs Smiths class over in Troy and played with some snow and watercolor paint to create some tie dye fun!

When it's too cold to play outside we bring the snow inside. Mrs. Smith's class enjoyed some snow play and watercolor painting today in the sensory station.

Someone had a Birthday in Mrs. Rogers’ class!! We love celebrating our students🎉

When it's too cold to go out and play in the snow, you bring the snow in!!

Mr. Hahn's class did an experiment in Science class. Watch It Melt.

The CLC enjoyed spending time with family and friends at the Holiday Lunch.

The CLC enjoyed spending time with family and friends at the Holiday Lunch.

On Saturday, Santa took time out from his busy schedule to visit the Miami County ESC staff and family. The children were able to fill up on timbits and juice while coloring pictures and writing their Christimas list to give to Santa.

Mrs. Rogers’ class at Piqua Junior High playing a holiday “make a Christmas tree” game while practicing working as a team with partners. They were also engaged in practicing giving and accepting gifts during “the season of giving” while enjoying their classroom holiday party!!!

Before Christmas break, Mrs Prenger's class voted on their favorite fast food restaurant. They practiced their independent communication skills both in the classroom and in the community. Thanks to Troy Foundation for providing this life skill learning opportunity.

Our students enjoyed decorating holiday cookies and opening their gifts from us. They each got a Pete the Cat book and stuff animal.